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Senior Citizen Emergency Program

The Town of Maynard Public Safety Communications Department (Police and Fire Dispatch) has initiated a program to assist seniors living in the Town of Maynard.  Having seniors in our community that do not have family or friends checking up on them regularly has led the public safety department to develop a “Senior Citizen Emergency Database Program”.

This program allows Public Safety Communications to document in a computer database the names of senior citizens, where they reside, and important contact information. In addition, information concerning current medications and potential special needs during an unusual inclement weather event or natural disaster will be on file.

How Do I Sign Up?

Senior citizens or their relatives and friends are encouraged to fill out the form below. Forms may also be obtained through the Maynard Council on Aging Office, Maynard Housing Authority office and at the Police and Fire department headquarters.

For additional information or questions please contact contact Sarah Finnerty at (978) 897-1011 or by e-mail at

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 3

Name of Indivual*
Max. file size: 50 MB.

What to Know

Sensitive To*